Call for submissions: Expedition Stories

What is it like to participate in a research expedition at sea?
Share Your personal stories!

For its new permanent exhibition, the German Maritime Museum will produce an audio-visual installation that includes photographs and written egodocuments produced during research expeditions in the past 15 years. Contrasting official narratives and scientific reports, this installation aims at making the emotional aspects of research at sea more visible.

Possible submissions include excerpts from personal diaries, letters, social media posts, blog posts, etc. that were written during or shortly after an expedition. For the installation, the texts will be recorded as audio files. We are also looking for photographs that capture aspects of daily life and social interaction on a research vessel. German and English submissions are encouraged, but submissions in other languages will also be accepted.

For more information and to submit your materials, please contact:
Ulrike Heine, Curator, German Maritime Museum mues1736519227um.ms1736519227d@eni1736519227eh.u1736519227