Picture © Lisa Röpke

Friends of the Environment,

ICYMARE 2023 OLDENBURG will take place from 18 to 22 September 2023. After diving back into on-site and in person conferences last year, we are happily looking forward to (re-)unite with you all again this year!

Please submit your abstract and a short CV to moc.e1739369933ramyc1739369933i@tca1739369933rtsba1739369933 not later than 30th of April 2023.

You can find the abstract submission template and some guidelines for presentations here.

Additionally, we are excited to introduce to you our brand-new conference tool with which we plan to handle all conference affairs. Please submit your abstracts through the tool. Since ICYMARE 2023 OLDENBURG will serve as a test run, we ask you to additionally submit your abstract via email to serve as a backup.

You can access the tool here: conference.icymare.com

After your submission, the session hosts of the individual sessions will evaluate the abstracts and select presentations for ICYMARE 2023 OLDENBURG based on objective criteria.

Aside from presenting, you can participate at ICYMARE 2023 OLDENBURG in various other ways: You can also attend as a listener, you can advertise your very own project during the project pitches, engage in a workshop or in the social events. There are lots of opportunities to get actively involved.

In case of questions, if you want to participate beyond presenting your research, or if you want to become a sponsor of ICYMARE, please contact moc.e1739369933ramyc1739369933i@oll1739369933eh1739369933. Further, if you are interested in taking a look behind the scenes and become a part of the ICYMARE team, we encourage you to get in contact with us at moc.e1739369933ramyc1739369933i@sre1739369933pleh1739369933. We look forward to welcoming you as a valuable member of our (on-site) team!

We are full of anticipation to meet you in Oldenburg and would highly appreciate if you would spread the word about ICYMARE!